Q: I received an incorrect or missing product, what should I do?

A: We apologize for this! If you received an incorrect item, please send us a photo and your order reference number by email to


Q: Is it possible to return my products?

A: Feel free to contact our Customer Service representatives if you need help with any issue! Items must be in their original condition to be accepted, within 30 days upon receiving.


Q: Are my products exchangeable?

A: Each exchange is handled on a case-by-case basis. If you have defective products, please contact us within 30 days upon receiving at with photos and we will be glad to assist you. 


Q: I changed my mind after I made my purchase. What should I do

A: Unfortunately, we are unable to make any changes to orders that have been submitted and shipped. If you require any assistance, please send an email to our Customer Service representative at with your order reference no. 


Q: I change my mind after my purchase. What should I do?

A: Unfortunately, we are unable to make any changes to orders that have been submitted and processed. If you require any assistance, please send an email to our Customer Service representative at with your order reference no.